Department of Mathematics
College of Science
Kuwait University

Prof. Abdullah Alazemi
Hello there .. Here is a short bio about me:
I started my studies in Mathematics in 1995 at Kuwait University, department of mathematics. I got my bachelor in May 2000.
In 2001, I started my studies (Master and Ph. D.) in Colorado States University (CSU). My Ph. D. thesis focused on graphs and some combinatorial objects. To be precise, I studied different methods to construct such objects and further to study their isomorphism group classes. This directed me to fall in love with: graph theorey, combinatorics and group theory.
In 2007, I recieved my Ph. D. degree from CSU and then started my career here in Kuwait University as a faculty member in the department of Mathematics.
I continued my studies focusing on spectral graph theory, combinatorial objects and Algebra.
Abdullah Alazemi
I am a member of Research Area 'Pure Mathematics' covering:
• Combinatorics,
• Graph Theory,
• Spectral Graph Theory, and
• Linear Algebra.